We’re always looking for ways for all roasters, big and small, to have a chance to get some of the most beautiful coffees in the world. We want everyone to have access to a wide variety of coffees and foster long lasting relationships with the producers who make them. That’s why we do what we do (and why we have a long and always-updating offer list!)

We’re also always looking for ways to improve the experience of buying greens. From the beginning we’ve welcomed orders of 1 bag or box. We think this is an important service and it’s core to what we do. We never want to get out of reach for smaller roasters, or make it hard to have a wide and ever-changing lineup of coffees on your menu.

As many of you have experienced, costs associated with warehousing have gone way up in recent months. We’ve gone through all the costs to see what the impact is and how to minimize it for roasters. As with everything we do we want to be as open and transparent about this as possible.

The increase in costs has most dramatically impacted smaller orders, especially when they consist of say 4 different lots, 1 bag of each. Our prices already include an average calculation for everything we do to get your coffee ready to go, from origin to seafreight to palletizing and strapping and wrapping. We are not adding any margin on any of this — just trying to cover the costs.

The smallest orders, whether from a startup roastery or an established roaster drawing down a bag at a time, have a surprisingly large impact on the overall cost. In a lot of cases we’ve been selling these small orders at a loss, which is not sustainable in the long term for us (or producers) in the end.

Luckily the solution is simple and straightforward. Nothing will change with our coffee prices, and from the 1st of August there will be an added charge of 50 USD for any orders lower than 300kg. This more or less covers the cost of this service, which we think is crucial to provide to every single roaster who wants to work with Nordic Approach. On your invoice this will show as ‘picking costs’.

300kg is 5 bags of 60kg — so it’s not a very high bar, and hopefully with a little forward planning most roasters will be able to avoid this fee entirely. But if you do need a smaller shipment, we’re always happy to do so, and the additional $50 will cover most of the cost.

Drop an email or give a call to your contact person at Nordic if you have any questions. We’re always here and happy to take a dialogue about it and hear your concerns.

Have a beautiful rest of the week and warm regards from all of us here at Nordic.


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